Indivisible Front Range Resistance
Colorado Citizens Protecting democracy and quality of life for all

About Indivisible Front Range Resistance

Indivisible Front Range Resistance (IFRR) is a citizen-led group representing communities along Colorado’s Front Range. IFRR is focused on local, state, and federal policy and elections and is dedicated to effecting progressive change through contacting members of Congress, social media campaigns, coordination with allied organizations, and peaceful participation in rallies, marches, and town halls. IFRR honors the Colorado way of life: one of fairness, opportunity, responsibility, freedom, and preservation of natural resources. IFRR believes that government should serve the people; that the economy should work hard for those who work hard; that every person should have the chance to succeed; that businesses who do right by their workers, communities, and the environment should be rewarded; and that everyone should have the freedom to live the lives they want. For more information, contact